Thursday, 14 August 2014

Do not Nurse it, Curse it or Rehearse It.....

”Do not Nurse it, Curse It or Rehearse It....” – Joyce Meyer

Sometimes, it`s easier for us to seek validation for our hurts than to process the pain and to move on.  We want the world to feel the discomfort of our pain, the mockery of the betrayal done to us, the simmering anger all crushing like a violent tide in our soul...

Nothing like daggers of betrayal deeply sunken in our backs from a trusted one, or an unsolicited insult hurled unexpectedly, both have one thing in common...... The hurt. When we experience hurt, it feels as though the world has unfairly burdened us with more than we could bear.  A part within us, has been tampered with, sadly, the hope of restoration is dashed.

Like a cherished souvenir we nurse the pain, occasionally referencing to it without giving thought of possible closure. We curse the offender and we keep rehearsing the incident to the world.  Like a scab that`s continuously picked on, the wound keeps reopening with a possible chance of reinfection and it never heals! We want the right to blame shift, the right to behave irresponsibly, the right to yell and scream about it, the right to hurt another, the right to criticise or hate on another, it`s all forms of nursing the pain. 

Again the wise words, “Let it go and Forgive..” it`s time to heal and move on, time to close one chapter for good and embrace the lessons. Don`t ignorantly stop life from flowing through you. 

The is no pain worth building a monument for....
Although by being wronged, it may feel like our power has been stripped from us, the truth is  beauty lies in our vulnerability... not when we react by arming ourselves with superficial masks of self-defence, but when we are open to our pain, embracing its sheer sting and asking God to heal us.  There`s no better place to be vulnerable than in Gods` presence. No need to act invincible and brave before Him.... It`s a matter of our acknowledgement of  our struggle and Trusting Him to embrace us unconditionally.      

It may take time for the sting of pain to dissipate, but God Is faithful to restore us.  He just doesn’t want us to get enslaved by what is hurting and destroying us.  He too has faced seasons of pain, betrayal, hurts... as the scripture states:

“He was looked down upon and passed over, a man who suffered, who knew pain firsthand, one look at Him and people turned away.  We looked down on Him...But the fact is it was our pains He carried – our disfigurements, all the things wrong with us. ....” Isaiah 53:3

Always remember, God`s love is a refuge, a restoring antidote, a soothing healing balm with restorative powers. Realise, each life`s painful moment, comes with a lesson of wisdom.  Pain never rides on its own without the wisdom its come to teach us. Pain always carries wisdom in its bosom.  Never lose perspective of its truth.

Like a moth attracted to a gentle flame, our flaws and pain attract Gods benevolent Love and Grace.


His Beloved J

Forget Not The Milestones.....

Forget Not The Milestones.......

An attitude of gratitude includes celebrating the milestones in our lives...

A Milestone is defined as a significant event or stage in life... also explained as “reference points” in a journey.

They are those significant blessings on our path to destiny.  When God reveals Himself in our weakness, when He births miracles right before our eyes, when He restores more than we had lost.... all these are those defining moments of significance.

Milestones either show you how far you`ve come, how much you`ve overcome and how much you`ve grown from the person you used to be!  If we look at ourselves closely, we are not the same folk we used to be, we`ve evolved, changed, had the courage to let go of what we used to desperately clutch to in favour of being spiritually attuned to God.

Milestones are those defining moments that brought a significant change or breakthroughs in our lives.  They are those strokes of grace, nothing short of God`s favour and blessing.  You alone know the struggles you`ve faced, the pain endured, the dry seasons of testing and the tears shed in secret. But God`s grace brought peace in the trying times, healing in the secret places and favour in new territories,

At times your milestones are in the steps of progress, in the achievements or even in the breakthroughs.  In hindsight, you are an overcomer, an achiever even a survivor.    

I urge you to take moments of self reflection to note every milestone or stage in your life, that brings you so much praise and appreciation of your progress in this life`s journey.  Whatever it may be, take cognisance of it, not forgetting the dark seasons, the rocky paths and trials you had to endure in birthing the profound lessons you now uphold.

Whenever we have the occasional self doubts or even doubting God Himself, take moments of reflection and realise, Gods been faithfully working silently in the hidden areas of your life, and has been bringing change in the perches of your life.

“You may not be where you want to be, but praise God you not where you used to be...“  you have grown, matured, and no-longer struggle with formidable strongholds.  You've  garnered unshakable hope, resilient courage and strength to let go of what no-longer served you and embraced what only is beneficial to your life.

“He Is your praise and He Is your God, Who has done these great and awesome things for you which your eyes have seen...” Deuteronomy 10:21

His Beloved


Monday, 21 April 2014

As He Sees You......


Isn’t it amazing that God has more faith in you and me than we have in ourselves...?

Feelings of doubt, low self worth, inadequacies begin to clear up, like mist making way for the sunrise peering in the horizon when we are reminded of God`s steadfast love.

God announces us while we are still consumed in the shadows of struggle, lack, low self esteem and any other negativity.  He calls out the hero out of the shrinking coward, a heroine out of a timid damsel.  Like a meticulous Creator, enthralled by the beauty of His creation He eagerly, continuously announces who we are.

God sees a King of the jungle in a young cub, a Giant Slayer in a small shepherd boy, a Father of many nations in a childless man, a deliverer of a nation in a runaway lad, a Mighty man of Valor in a hiding, seemingly insignificant, terrified young man. A Royal Queen in a young innocent girl....

How can we continue to contest with God, when He alone beholds the full knowledge of the purpose for which He created us?

Life`s dry barren episodes can never over shadow His nature. Clear blue skies void of rain clouds cannot deter Him as the Rain Maker. Our own times of testing, more conflicting in chaos than order, clamour than peace, can never cause Him to be faithless.  He Alone is Our Everything.  In the stillness of night or in violent, raging tempest of storms, we ought to believe, The Master Creator is at work.  So, be still and know it all pans out in the end.  He Alone as The Master Creator is at work, moving, restoring, uprooting and silencing storms in you and through you.

We often shrivel with doubt, failing to fathom the strength and abilities God placed within us.  In the midst of our strengths and struggles lies infinite potential. In us, God sees unstoppable possibility, captivating beauty and daring uniqueness hidden in potential and destiny.

Our availability is all what God requires, a willing, obedient, humble heart is enough for God to work with. Gods backing is more important than the cheering of a million!! Our backgrounds, our pasts, our history cannot deter God from using or blessing us.

God`s instructions will always set us apart. As we step in obedience doing what He has called us to do, He will back us up with His presence. If fear is an excuse, we ought to do it afraid and watch our fears hang behind us like still shadows.

It`s time for us to disengage from everything that has always taken God`s space in our lives, dethroning the false humility, self-limiting talk and honour God by embracing and trusting His Word fully as we disengage the familiar and embrace the abundant life He offers us. 

Often, the real us is never identified in the familiar we are accustomed to....We often mistake our identity with the familiar we`ve ultimately settled for.  So let go of the familiar and reach out for the infinite possibilities!!!!

Be Encouraged and let`s step out in Faith! J

His Beloved.....

Friday, 7 March 2014

The Lady In The Mirror......

A reflection stares back at me in the mirror I gaze at..... I barely know the truth about this woman staring back at me, she mimics all the movements I make as if to fascinate me even more.  I think I have a vague `idea` of who she is, but the thought evades me... I look deep in her eyes, as if I am looking remotely into something out of my reach... A numb sensation clouds my mind, then I realise, I don’t know the Truth about her...

The vivid reflection I`m focusing on barely reveals its soul to me... it`s not helping me understand... I can identify the image in the mirror but I vaguely comprehend its truth! 

I am eluded with lack of fact about this fascinating woman.... What gifts and talents does she hold, what dreams could she potentially hold, in fact who is she???  I am compelled to go on a soulful, spiritual expedition to uncover the truth she elusively hides.

The truth is; I lost myself.... The truth smashes into me as I recount the neglect I did... the shame scratches my soul by just the thought of what I did.  I betrayed myself... For the first time, tears trickle from my eyes, moistening my feet gently. I brave myself as I sternly look at the reflection gazing back at me, I embrace the confound truth... It`s me...

I`m guilty of not giving her the love, joy, kindness, peace, long suffering she has so desperately needed.

I denied her love but so graciously tried to love the world.

I denied her kindness because I was caught up being kind to the rest...

I denied her peace because the call for peace to everyone else` life was far greater than my own...

I denied her joy because I had to brighten the world more with my laughter than I could care in my own soul...

I denied her loyalty and faithfulness when I feverishly sacrificed myself at the call of others. I could never be loyal to my own.

I denied her the gift of being long-suffering, because I had to win the applause of the rest...

My compassion was for the rest than it could ever be real to me... The cries of the world were far louder than my own, so I snubbed my own tears.

I passionately ignited the dreams of others but ignorantly smothered my own!

I witnessed my life spur out of control before I could practice self-control.

Please don’t get me wrong, I am not angry, but I am just depleted.... I`ve gone halfway through my life as a heroine to others but a villain of my own... I`ve spread myself so thinly I have nothing more to give or impress you with; I simply forgot to take care and appreciate my own...

I`ve made you smile more than I smiled and delighted in myself; I`ve loved in exchange of appreciation; I`ve been more understanding to the rest than I`ve rested in my own self knowledge.   

Now please understand, when I seem to withhold from you... Experience has taught me to free my `No` and embrace myself in love.  It`s time I put myself first, applaud my own feats, celebrate my own uniqueness as I muse on my own milestones.

I choose to give myself the Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Long suffering, Gentleness that I carelessly neglected and I ceased to live.

It`s time I go on an expedition of finding the abandoned me.....    J

Saturday, 25 January 2014

You Are What You Think & Believe.....

You Are What You Think & Believe.....


On the dawn of the New Year, like many others, I was energised solemnly promising self to make this New Year worthwhile and a brilliantly successful one.  I was in praise, felt determined, and loved the expectant feeling. However, by the 2nd of January, I was succumbing to a hidden struggle, my mind....

I know what it is like to have a clouded mind spiralling out of control with emotions, living in fear, hopelessness, lying beneath bed covers all day because of dread. Yet on a Sunday morning, praise God among an ecstatic charged crowd of believers but struggle to maintain the same exuberance in the privacy of my own home....

I know what it is like to live with a mind tinged with defeat, a mind that chooses negativity because it`s familiar, it`s what it believes.... auto-tuned by a negative perspective toward life.

The battle is indeed in the mind. No one can perceive the war within the host, a brewing of conflicting thoughts and paralysing emotions.  How can I continue to be loyal to such dysfunction...? Surely, I need a new rhythm of life in this year. Just plain resolutions not rooted in the Source of success, God, won`t yield much...   

The life changing decision dawned on the fact that, just because a thought flashes across my mind, it does not mean it`s worth embracing. With maturity, I am more self aware than I`ve ever been.  I realise the thoughts that dance away in the subconscious, swaying in collusion in the corridors of my mind. I watched them hopelessly subversively like a rushing train in the subway.

I`ve decided to train my mind on a new thinking format, through The Word of God, allowing it to take root in my spirit and renew my thinking. “ not be conformed to this world, Be Transformed, by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and acceptable will of God – Romans 12:2”Inorder to step out of my mess, that I`ve been so accustomed to, I have to study The Word and Believe It... The Word of God has the ability to wash away all that does not glorify Him, uprooting all negativity from the root.  Enabling God`s own, to live a victorious life, flourishing with Health, Life, success, overcoming life`s battles.   

Though my flaws may be visibly clear as an annoying stain on a mat, they won`t deter me from believing in The Words power to cleanse and develop my character.

I have resorted not to nurse and embrace any thought contrary to The Word of God.  I may not have the ability to stop negative thinking, but surely, I am empowered not to embrace any of those negative thoughts. “You cannot stop birds from flying over your head, but you can stop them from building a nest on your head”... Kenneth Hagin Sr.

Our lifestyle always takes after our thoughts....Watch your Thoughts; they become Words, Watch your Words; they become Actions, Watch your Actions; they become Habits, Watch your Habits; they become your Character, Watch your Character; it becomes your  destiny -Unknown-

I may not know your struggles; but I know mine and I have resolved not to continue my loyalty to dysfunction. Dysfunction is not who I am, its brought me this far, but I must embrace change, break  cycles of defeat and wrong choices inorder to go further in life. I dare to trust God and His Word.

Wishing you all the best in this New Year!

His Beloved..J