Tuesday, 10 December 2013

It`s Only Part Of The Process......


We all have ghosts from our pasts flashing in our minds, at any chance they get. They creep in, in our most unguarded moments trying to compete with God`s presence. 

No one ever told me that in my healing, I would encounter discouragement and bouts of despair.  I would find myself celebrating one or two steps forward then find myself sliding four steps back! I mean could this be progress? Why would I get to feel spiritually invincible certain days and bitterly defeated other days? I thought with emotional wounds, it would be as instant as a fairy godmother waving a magic wand on my brokenness...  unfortunately not at all.

The world clogs our ears with critical insensitive remarks like “just get over it!” The unsung truth is healing is a gradual process.  At times more like a drudgery of an emotional roller-coast ride, culminating of victorious highs and dismal lows of despair. Yet, if followed through, the process yields so much fulfilment.  Healing can never be hurried or accelerated. The lessons of pain and brokenness can never be mastered in haste.   

Before, I didn’t have a better understanding of how to handle my inner struggles. They were my identity, deeply ingrained in me since my childhood. I constantly taunted myself with a severely negative thought life, shying away from the good I thought I did never deserve and dreadfully embraced mediocrity instead.  Shame and insecurities lay camp in my already broken soul.  This depreciated my self-worth hence a torrent of self-demeaning thoughts flowed uninhibited in my mind ravaging my self-esteem like an untamed destructive fire.  I recount more inadequacy feelings than appreciative thoughts. 

Sheer desperation for change, led me through a determined self-education phase. I just had to restore myself.  With inspiration from watching talk shows, I would immerse myself in a plethora of activities which included, self-help books, positive talk, reading biographies, meditation among other remedies. I just had to fix myself. 

I knew God, had a relationship with Him, but had a narrow view of what it meant, by Him being Christ in my life.  I kept my flaws in front of me but away from Him.  Somehow I believed, I was responsible for my own transformation.  But that yielded a great sense of failure. Imagine being with The Great Physician Himself, but never daring to consult Him.  

It took yet another harrowing experience when I finally tossed away my self-help material and turned to scripture. I am sure God had been waiting on me to quit trying and finally to consult Him. Vehemently flipping through the pages of my bible, I stumbled upon a verse I highlighted a long time ago...

 Psalms 51 verse 17... (Amplified Version) ...“My sacrifice (the sacrifice acceptable) to God is a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart (broken down with sorrow for sin and humbly and penitent) such Oh God You will not despise...”

 Clearly my emotional mess was brokenness before Him.  I had `known` God as The Saviour, Redeemer of my sins, but I had never experienced Him in my brokenness.  I had never dared to trust Him to lead me to a place of healing and restoration.  In fact, my understanding of divine healing was only restricted to the external physical part of our mortal bodies, but never of the injured crushed soul.  

My insecurities, inadequacies, lack of self-esteem were all etched in the crevices of a broken injured soul. An injured soul deprived of self-love, self-appreciation, boundaries and true joy, a result of a broken and contrite spirit.

 As I delved deeper in studying meaning of the scripture, I came across the Hebrew meaning of broken, it is `shabar` meaning, break in pieces, shattered or crushed.  When you bear an injured soul, it is fragmented.  It`s one thing to pretend you got everything under control, yet be fragmented on the inside.  The more of yourself you cannot control, the more anger you spew out/ the more hurting you become.  

Before the God encounter which beckoned me to a journey of restoration, my soul, like puzzle pieces in the hands of a clueless child, I desperately clutched onto fragmented bits of a former self.  Fragments of broken dreams, a destroyed self portrait, burnt passions, a severed dignity and a trail of hurts and disappointments.  Life had not killed me, it just broke me, but when I put the fragments of my soul in God`s hands, He made me stronger.

I write this blog prayerfully, imploring you not to lose hope in the possibility of ever becoming whole.  Hanging onto the pain and disappointments stalls progress, breeds bitterness and negates change. 

Our God Is an All-Restoring, Supernaturally Transforming God.  In our eyes, our souls appear to have been reduced to useless shreds of weakness because of enduring pains, betrayal, abuse, rejection, abandonments and everything that implodes our souls from within.

Don’t be quick to write yourself out of your journey to destiny.  I dare you to trust in God, Who has a skilful ability to weave in the intricate shredded yarns of our souls into a transformed tapestry piece of wholeness. I beckon you to a journey of unwavering trust in God, Who can glue together the broken, senseless pieces of your life. Your journey is just as important as your destiny.  His endearing Love draws Him to our brokenness like a moth to a burning flame.

Isaiah 42 verse 3.... ”He won`t brush aside the bruised and the hurt, and He won`t disregard the insignificant, but He will steadily and firmly set things right...” The Message Version

When I am broken, it does not mean I am of no use, but my brokenness always attracts my Masters hands to hold me up and gently restore me.  It is always in our times of brokenness that we experience the most of The Lord`s Love and Grace....

Be Encouraged!


His Beloved.... J


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